Interim Management in Austria vs The Netherlands
On invitation of PRVA, I delivered a presentation on their Round Table theme ´Interim-Management als Geschäftsmodell?´ Austria is still in the early phases, with a limited number of independent professionals. In The Netherlands, on the contrary, 1 out of 9 employed persons work independently. Almost 950.000 people out of 8.5 million of the total work population. These so called zzp´include medical staff, construction workers, post delivery professionals etc. About 15% of these 950.000 independent professionals, registered themselves as a one-person Organizational Consultancy company. At Haus der Industrie in Vienna, we discussed the Ad Interim market situation in Austria versus The Netherlands. The outcome was not surprising. Austria is in the development phase, hindered by unawareness, insecurity and the Austrian labour law (incl. insurance claims for companies) and the Dutch Government which would like to get more grip on the explosion of the independent professionals by introducing the new law DBA. But also the different mental basis of being an ad interim and how it is perceived in the Austrian society and the difference between an Ad Interim Manager versus an independent Management Consultant.
The full presentation you can find here: presentation-okt-17.
It was a lively discussion in a nice setting at the beautiful Haus der Industrie at Schwarzenbergplatz. Thank you Katharina, for organizing this interesting discussion and all attendees for participating in the interesting discussion. I’m always surprised, time after time, while working in different European countries with my clients, that within Europe there are so many differences between countries. Respect for the early adaptors; the Austrian Ad Interim Management professionals!