Agile organization
The need to remain competitive is the driving force for companies to create an agile organizational business model. The dominant question is how the company should be organized and become resilent to anticipate on changes in society, market place, innovations, automation etc? There is no straight answer; every organization is unique and change is iterative. Therefore we started to bring some best practices on wendbaarheid (agile in English) in 2002. Nowadays, we do agile scientific research with Twente University on agile organization. This will lead to scientific papers published in academic journals.
Lemma Publishers published ‘de actieve overheid’ (Mierop & Bastiaansen, 2002) in which case studies showed that the organization of a government needs to ensure that it is resistant to changes in its environment by being flexible, adaptable, client oriented and pro-active. The organization must be agile, should seem to move with the dynamics of the environment without the fact that employees have to face every time major changes in their roles and ways of working. That can only be the case when flexibility is built into the job of an employee and in their work processes. Next to some behavioral aspects like the capability to work in self-organizing teams and to continuously think and act client and value orientated.
Since 2002 we also advised business on agility. The core principles stayed the same and are enriched in detail.
You want to know more about agile organisations, agile leadership and / or agile organizing? Call us now to speak to one of the partnering professionals: +31(0)6.2422.5305